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Unless the projector has a hard limit on file sizes, in which case you'll still need to consult the manual to see whether or not that's the case. Or, as davexnet mentions, use MediaInfo to take a look at a video that does work, and re-encode the videos that don't play on your projector to match (every detail of) the videos that do play. Make sure the videos don't exceed any of those specs, or re-encode the videos to match.

makemkv forums


The Movie came out to be 1.16 GB and the TV Show came out to be 275 MB so what do You Think is going on? As I mentioned in your other topic: Your projector's manual should list the specifications an MKV must meet for the projector to be able to play the video. including all DV data and all lossless audio) and with appropriate quality (i.e. Is there any device, either local or streaming, that can fully read this kind of files, to their fullextent (i.e. If in the market look to the MakeMKV forums for. Not only that but certainly there are fewer VideoHelp posts about ripping UHD Blu-ray than posts on the same topic at the MakeMKV forum. Good for reading 4K UHD BluRays but it has its limitations.will allow you to flash the drive through them. Is there any device, either local or streaming, that can fully read this kind of files, to their full extent (i.e. H264 at a Bit Rate of 1,500 kbps and it wont Play on My Projector. I havent run the scanner against my unsupported protected UHD ISOs for several months until today so I. DV profile 7 support in MakeMKV output is recent (I think) and everything seems to have some sort of limitation. Yes, you got your advice from MakeMKV's forum. DV profile 7 support in MakeMKV output is recent (I think) and everything seems to have some sort of limitation. Then I Converted a 30 Minute TV Show to MPEG 4. Alternatively you can setup DVDShrink to output an ISO file. If the DVD is 10 years old DVDShrink should be able to do it. Then run MakeMKV using 'Open DVD files Manually'. H264 at a Bit Rat of 1,500 kbps and it Plays good on My Projector. Get hold of an old program DVDShrink aand first set it up not to shrink and save it to you hdd.

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