
Splayer 3.7 2437
Splayer 3.7 2437

Verdict:Ī competent and relatively lightweight player that boasts a slick interface and reasonable performance, but has some rough edges that need smoothing out.

splayer 3.7 2437

It’s also sold on its performance and low footprint – it’s definitely one of the smallest media players we’ve seen in terms of download size, but judging by the figures we saw in Task Manager, it still consumes a fair amount of resources. 2437 Enable a more 'righteous' in the main plug through Automatic Updates icon in the menu you can see a new 'share the net-disk' file may be being played by the network disk (EverBox) to upload. 4.9.4 Fixed a bug where some videos on Bilibili cannot be loaded. Nothing is particularly flagged – you’ll need to spend a few minutes experimenting with what’s on offer to find what you need – and its Chinese origins are betrayed in the fact some controls haven’t been fully translated, plus the lack of an English help page. Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / Whats New for SPlayer. You might be forgiven for thinking that’s it – just a small and pretty player with no controls, but it’s all part of the minimalist interface: either roll your mouse over the top or bottom of the window to reveal more controls, or right-click for even more option.Īll of the advanced controls you need are here, from video-correction tweaks and a graphics equaliser to the all-important playback controls and various options dialogue boxes. Click this, select your media file – SPlayer supports pretty much all major formats, including QuickTime, DVD, WMV and MP3 – and you’re off and rolling.


Once downloaded, install and launch the program, and you’ll be presented with a screen with just one option: Open File.

splayer 3.7 2437

Media players are ten-a-penny, and the freebie market is dominated by the excellent VLC Media Player, so at first glance SPlayer might be on to a hiding for nothing trying to muscle in on its territory. SPlayer Resource-friendly media player that supports multiple formats Adobe Flash Player 32.0.0.

Splayer 3.7 2437